Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Full 7 Concepts Constitution Based on Love and Altruism

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The People's 7 Concepts Constitution based on Love & Altruism (2nd Edition) by Rick Loll:
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The 1st Edition of this book is available at the following web sites:
Kindle e-Book $1:
Paperback $10:
Twitter: @7CConstitution
The Video describing Concept 1 is out on the following links:
(Chapter 1 is free to distribute to the public domain)
Let The People Of Earth Have Their Say,
Let Everyone Be A Leader Everyday,
The People's 7C Council Is Our Way,
Because We Are All Great In Every Way.

What if you could be a better beautiful person inside YOU.
What if you could understand that it's not about what others think of you, but if something inside you could free your whole being into another world, another state of mind, another force of free will, and being spiritually free beyond all present understanding.
You will know that inside yourself an increase in confidence so high, fear will completely disappear.
And then a miracle happens...
The Universe.

In this new constitution, we behold it clear, that this new confidence will be self-evident, and a new understanding that ALL are free of the tyranny of anything you can imagine.

(Many people erroneously believe money is the only way to get things. They believe in the hamster wheel of success, when it's really a prison.)
You can have it all without these imaginary limitations.

Chapter 1
The Seven Concepts Constitution

The Seven Concepts Constitution is what is best described as an altruistic supportive council, designed to promote individual freedom and eliminate oppression. All people with ideas beneficial to the community will be heard, while the council and the people help to make it workable and harmonious to everyone, within compliance of The 7 Concepts. The people then decide by volunteer voting. No volunteers is the only down vote. Checks and balances are built in. Nobody loses.
The 7C Constitution is a pantisocracy, a plebiscite, or a flat democracy with no hierarchical government structure controlling it whatsoever. All the people within the system are given complete responsibility to handle all the necessary functions of society. The people simply voluntarily distribute themselves into groups of jobs which they specialize in. The new constitution or philosophy is for developing an altruistic, moneyless society. Unlike other constitutions, this philosophy has been carefully design to operate as a whole. No parts can be taken out, since it may have devastating consequences on other parts, rendering it to failure. The structure and concepts are designed to act in harmony with one another, like a machine. Remove anything, and many other things won't work well, or not at all. The 7 Concepts function as a textual computer with endless possibilities of thought within it's matrices.
After each heading, The Six Heart Virtues of the Wingmakers is enclosed in the parentheses. Reality creation, or “Law of Attraction,” keys are enclosed within the brackets. Enclosed in the ellipsis is how to be a loving god within yourself. The italics enclosed in parentheses are rewards for those Ass-Holes who gave the same to everyone.
If you are somebody who likes most of the ideas in this constitution, and are thinking the people in power won't let us do it, just remember, “Nobody owns you.” So do this with like minded people.

In order to provide the freest, most efficient, harmonious, and non-polluting moneyless/restrictionless society, unifying everyone into oneness and equality. It will be a Joint Entrepreneurial Partnership in which everybody is an equal entrepreneur, and everyone works alone or with each other in groups doing projects or jobs in which they specialize in, and to promote a positive well-being in the rest of the universe. And, to carry out the plan of the Prime Source/Creator, which we are all a part of. This could also be anything virtuous, whatever your goals are.

The Purpose
The main purpose is for learning, in all your lives, in all dimensions, in absolute freedom and harmony, so all can achieve Godhood, Sovereign Integral (individual and united), self-expression of your infinite self, or harmonious creational unity. Another purpose is to keep individuals or groups from controlling anyone, abridging anyone's freedom, or prohibiting anyone's free will, and unifying everyone into oneness and equality. The Seven Concepts is a voluntary common law system., ennobling 7C citizens with enforceable diplomatic immunity against all oppressors, and violators of human rights, superseding the entire universe.
The 7 Concepts Constitution supersedes all international, federal, and local laws and rights. The details outlined in this system are intended to be used as a basic social structure of society and all life. If you apply this system to other levels and disciplines of knowledge and philosophy, the same basic system of concepts can still hold true in the advancement or realization in that knowledge or philosophy. As each step is completed, the next step is far easier to achieve. The 7th step can be turned into the 1st step, making it, easier to achieve, continuing for however long you like.

1) Right to All Expressionism; Prohibition of Suppression or Oppression (Courage, to try something new) [Imagine your reality; Once a thought is created, it must be carried through, because every thought is an object of reality.]{To be a loving god is to give free-will.}
(To keep freedom from another is the ultimate sin, and make sure you let restricting power mongers know they are being ASS-HOLES. Their reward will be eternal nothingness.)
1. Every living being, thing, or object has the right to Absolutely Free and Unrestricted expression of, and Unrestricted access to the following:
Existence/ free will/ thoughts/ opinions/ speech/ expressions/ blaspheme/ obscenity/ profanity/ humor/ criticism/ peaceful, then riotous assembly, and to occupy/ association/ literature/ press/ writing/ pictorials/ video/ record/ holograph/ pornography/ information/ conspiracy exposure/ witness/ morals/ lifestyle/ display/ sounds/ dance/ visage/ taboos/ tattoos/ hair style/ voting/ petitioning/ philosophy/ instincts/ addictions/ career/ teaching/ celebration/ games/ nonviolent sports/ hobbies/ recreating/ swimming(bathing)/ restrooms/ fountains/ hospitals/ access and use to all public services, facilities, utilities, buildings, places, dwellings, devices, vehicles, supplies, workplaces, and all unmentioned needs/ common law marriage/ divorce/ polygamy/ polyamory/ group homes/ illegitimacy/ miscarriage/ erotica/ adultery/ transgender/ sexual (gender) behavior, masturbation, relations, services, games, exposure, nudity, look, clothing, identity, hormones & drugs (including libido, pleasure and psychedelics), modification, fetish, novelties, machines or orgasm/ consensual forced femininity/ genetic or body modifications/ spiritual gender, race, identity or practice/ non-public prayer and worship/ dimensional/ temporal/ consciousness/ hallucinogens/ meditation/ mysticism/ psychics/ esoteric science/ psychomanteum viewing/ seclusion/ encasement(zentai) fetish/ sensory deprivation/ virtual, artificial or quantum realities/ telepathy/ spirit mediums/ psychometry/ telekinesis/ levitation/ flying/ teleportation/ projection/ healing/ hypnosis/ hypnotic regression or progression/ reincarnation/ astrology/ numerology/ witchcraft/ benevolent fascination(mass hypnosis)/ insanity/ enforceable right to say “No” to another's will or authority/ or any idea in every way, shape or form imaginable.
All above interactions and combinations to be parametrically conjoined with the following:
Regardless of age, race, creed, sex, or any difference imaginable; regardless of time, place, or any context imaginable; provided any other living being's rights or free will is NOT violated, coerced or prohibited; without retribution, condemnation, defamation, consequences, or discrimination, by any individual, group or organization, public or private, regardless of organization, affiliation or deeds; while permitting unrestricted free/fair-use or reuse. Everything must be respected in all these manners, regardless of whether anyone knows why they exist.

2) Altruism, Right to All Necessities to Life Guaranteed Without Restrictions (Appreciation) [Embellish your reality with details.] {To be a loving god is to give freely of yourself without expecting anything in return.}
(To hoard needs to life from others is the ultimate sin, and make sure you let the gluttonous greedy slobs know they are being ASS-HOLES. Their reward will be eternal destitution and starvation.)
2. Absolutely all personal and public needs used for survival and living a luxurious life must be provided for and absolutely free, and guaranteed without restrictions. Provisions for maintaining happiness through self-maintenance, self-perpetuation, and self-gratification, are required. The following items are enforced and guaranteed:
2a) Unrestricted Love.
2b) Materials, resources and production to provide a high quality of life.(If we had all our resources and needs for free,we wouldn't complain about doing things for others while not getting anything in return.)
2c) Unrestricted Virtuous Creation.
2d) Unrestricted and Free Transportation, Infrastructure and Parking.
2e) Unrestricted Non-central Free Energy Systems, and infrastructure.
2f) Unrestricted and Free, Food, Water, Air, Light, Heating, Cooling Fridge, Cooking, Toilet, Bathing, Clothing, Bedding, and Personal Needs.
2g) Harmoniousness with the Cosmos or Prime Source. (No Pollution, Loudness, or Disturbing Peace)
2h) Unrestricted and Free (no tax) Personal, Habitable, Private, and Secure Dwelling, House, or Shelter, and Free (no tax) Land Property Ownership.
2i) Unrestricted, Absolute, Totally Free, and without Limitations; Information, Internet, WiFi, Communication, and Education (with free busing); and their distribution, infrastructure and Preservation.
2j) Unrestricted Art, Music, Recreation, Pleasure, Drugs, Mindfulness, and Sleep; Including amusement parks, party/night clubs, race tracks, fashion/drag shows, concert halls, museums, galleries, summertime festivals, lollappaloosas, brothels, kinky trans/sex clinics/services, orgies, paranormal/meditation, etc.; participation is mandatory for joy. Also to have emphasis on extremeness, unity and opposites (fish out of water) of gender, physicality, identity, or any difference, for each indulgence, to learn growth, empathy, creativity, and discovery with us all.
2k) Unrestricted Social Contact and Affection, regardless of manner, especially between the same gender, or child & adults, or human & animal. The creation of frequent affection parties, to break everyone of the fear of being close to each other.
2l) Compelled, but Uncoerced and Safe Humane Labor or Production. Containing 10-20 hours per week, with 8 weeks per year paid leave, and humane child labor. (Someone who works without making money are not lazy, they're practicing the Gift Based Economy. People aren't measured by time or money they make.)
2m) Unrestricted and Free, Health/Medical Care, Dental, Vision, Hearing, Sexual, etc.; Therapies, Genomics, Drugs, Devices, Holistics, Psychic Healing, Somnambulistic Healing, and Extreme Novelties; nor restrictions from loved ones.
2n) Unrestricted and ready access, Procreation, Birth control/Abortion by choice, embryo & Pre/postnatal care, Childcare, Parental/ Family/ Caregiver leave (with indefinite unlimited benefits), Adoption, Sexual care, and Marriage; regardless of consanguinity, gender, or any characteristics; without retribution, condemnation or discrimination.
2o) Harmonious Industrial Development, Computers, and Devices.
2p) Internal Peace Preservation, or Prevention of Personal Violence and Social Disorder; regardless of relationship.
2q) Individual or Group Competition. (No Monopolistic Behavior!) Any time the essentials of life functions provided by a company becomes a monopoly, (like internet providers), they will become dismembered into public ownership. Common functions will be commonly used without monopoly.
2r) Unrestricted Virtuous, Science, Philosophy & Spiritual Development.
2s) Security through preparedness, Emergency Services, or Defense.
2t) Free care and provisions for the elderly, infirmed, transgendered, and physical/mental/spiritual oddities and norms; self-determined end-of-life care, embryo care, and self-termination.
2u) Unrestricted, Free, Neutral, and Uncensored Communications.
2v) Unrestricted and Free, Postal, Parcel and Freight Delivery.
2w) Nonpolluting and closed loop Waste, Water, Sewage, Garbage, Energy, Salvage and Recycling Systems.
2x) Regulated and Safe food (certified and labeled as non-GMO), and consumer products, except for novelties.
2y)All legacy status and unions, from prior systems are fully recognized.
2z) All new building construction must be green, renewable, solar, etc.
2aa) Voting day or period will be a local, geographical, or world holiday, with mandatory participation for all people.
2ab) Drug addicts must get free drugs, rehabilitation, and jobs. All illegal drugs will be legalized, regulated, and free with prescription. (This is proven to eliminate 99% of burglaries and thefts.)
2ac) Rapists must get free pornography, sexual aids and rehabilitation. (This is proven to prevent rape through satiation, then boredom. No Joke!)
2ad) All proven lethal/harmful weaponry, programs, replicas, and media presentations, will be destroyed worldwide with no retribution. All beings have a right to avoid being killed, being necessary for life. (We have a right to control irresponsible gun owners, that could affect us coming through our walls, and from lead and uranium poisoning.) (Gun buyback programs have some success in eliminating many.)
2ae) All armies and navies will be made of pacifists only; doctors, nurses, engineers, construction, farmers, rescue, aid, etc. used to create things and heal others for the mercy of all, without harm.
2af) The news-media is only publicly owned, accessed and controlled, in a non-biased fashion, without vested interests.
2ag) Whistleblowers and Information Leakers, will be highly praised and rewarded, without retribution.
2ah) Unimpeded and uncensored access to all extraterrestrial information, communication, equipment, technology, relations, artifacts, philosophy, etc. on any planet or area of space.
2ai) Unrestricted development of psychic abilities for everyone.
2aj) Right to achieve super-sensible consciousness, using the Rose Cross Meditation, described in Rudolf Steiners' 'An Outline of Esoteric Science'. (This is how you get to the Prime Source without religion. If you claim to be so spiritual, then prove this doesn't make you into a Christ-like being.)
2ak) Unrestricted travel into space, and onto celestial bodies.
2al) Unrestricted access and use to Space-Time or dimensional travel machines (such as Quantum Reality with Delta T-Antenna) and abilities (such as merkabah formation), with unlimited travel after August 12, 2023.
2am) All jobs must be enjoyable. If they are not, you must quit.
2an) Anyone found crying in sorrow, gets stuck in hospital, birthing, or birthdays, gets a happy party in their honor.
2ao) All food product processing, fishing, mining and industrial production, must be safe from harming all sentient beings or animals.
2ap) All animal facilities must have absolute transparency to the public. All facilities abusing or killing animals will be terminated.
2aq) All meat and dairy products eliminated from diets to prolong life by 40%, decrease most health problems, and eliminate the majority of fresh water consumption. (These are all proven facts.)
2ar) All proven lethal/harmful pharmaceutical drugs/chemicals will be abandoned. The pharmaceutical drug philosophy will be replaced with homeopathic, herbal, psychic, hypnotic, alternative, etc., health care.
2as) In order to have the safest and highest quality job done, the best person for the job will be chosen to achieve it, and not based on gender, size, age, creed, mentality, disability, etc.(to prevent the space accidents.)
2at) Any activity, job, career, or occupation, that causes distress or unhappiness upon others or themselves, is prohibited.
2au) Free funeral services, ceremonies and memorials.
2av) Sustainable communal gardens, farms and greenhouses for food and material production free for everyone.
2aw) All essential manufacturing, goods and services, to be local.
2ax) Free and Unrestricted access to hormones, clothing, devices, aids, therapy, training, personal facilities and complete full body sexual treatment/surgery of transgendered or sex anomalous people, regardless of age or mentality, without restrictions, retribution or discrimination, and be openly practiced.
2ay) Unrestricted Privacy, and freedom from judgment of personal lifestyles, mannerisms, or any other differences.
2az) All groups with so-called “terrorist intentions” will get their message heard and get all their needs met, provided it does not violate the 7 Concepts. (Suppression of terrorists makes them act out more, because needs are not met, thus the worst solution is to fight them. Have mercy and Love them instead.)
2ba) Unrestricted public lavatories (toilets, restrooms, bathrooms).
2bb) Fix the problem, not the blame. (There are a lot of stupid people that mess everything up, even after the problem is fixed.)

(This section is for systems involving money, and should be avoided and prohibited. The original system is intended to evolve away from restriction systems, such as in 3a. The whole point of eliminating money was to stop crimes and all the problems of society.)
2ma) All forms of currency, restriction systems, or methods, that are used to coerce, restrict, punish, take advantage of others, dependency, or restrict any of The 7 Concepts, are to be abolished, as in 3a.
2mb) All currencies are to be considered imaginary, used only in game like experiences, and have no connections with dependency on life. Money will only be used as a component in games that provide enjoyment.
2mc) BitCoin may be used as the official 7C Currency, using an origin traceable personalized digital signature, identifying original owner and destination. Other currencies may be used for trade with other systems.
2md) Benefits, (pay) or needs equality for all various characteristics imaginable, including all levels, business, government, race, gender, age, occupation, infirmity, stature, status, mentality, or any difference imaginable, is mandatory, planet-wide, continued after money is abolished. (Or, ABSOLUTE EQUAL PAY FOR ALL, WORLDWIDE. Not giving everyone equal pay nor equal access to needs to life, is SLAVERY.)
2me) All businesses with employees must be non-profit, or all excess profits go to a communal fund for everyone planet-wide to be paid equally.
2mf) All taxation is abolished, while all of government is socialized.
2mg) National revenue (Communal funds) for administration will be divided based on the people's proportionate approval/disapproval vote of all programs. The remaining goes evenly back to the people as dividend.
2mh) All banking services will reside within the post offices.
2mi) Preservation of Social Security, disability, pension, welfare, and support payment programs, until 7C economic stability is achieved.
2mj) Copyrights, patents, talent, artistic rights are gained for free. Only individual people get royalties/residuals tax-free. And, all free energy, perpetual, and unorthodox devices cannot be refused a patent. Royalties can only be gained by the creator's original works and not it's descendant's. (If you take a block of wood to create something else of it, does the originator of the block get to claim rights to every mod of that block? No!)
2mk) Anyone donating to those publicized doing 4c, intolerance or lethality, will generously donate their entire net worth to the Community Fund. (Like Daryl Wilson,George Zimmerman, Memories Pizza, etc., all of which got handsomely rewarded for doing heinous acts, which instigates more people to do these heinous acts.)
2ml) The wealthiest people will generously donate their entire net worth to the community fund upon their natural transition (death).
2mm) Every homestead house or condo will be given for free. Limit(1).
2mn) Supplemental Security Income given to those being discriminated from employment: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, queer, disabled, felons, homeless, destitute, non-whites, women, etc.
2mo) Everyone gets a minimum wage of 3x the average cost of living.(Even though there is no actual “cost of living” within the 7C System.)
2mp) No discrimination or preference, of any financial systems based on gender, race, disability, income, sexual orientation, history, association, or any other difference imaginable.
2mq) No charges or penalties for currency conversion or banking.

No prohibitions or abridgments of the above items are allowed, nor be coerced upon anyone, and without retribution or discrimination.. All necessities to life must have compulsory redundancy, nonprofit, and wherever appropriate, produced in surplus quantities to provide protection from loss by failure or catastrophe. Any other necessities undiscovered at this time may be added by 50% consensus, to the items above, provided they NEVER restrict anyone, their relatives, or group in any way, shape or form, and must be worded to provide more rights, freedom and support, without violating the other 7 Concepts . A government or antithesis to anything in The 7 Concepts are NOT to be considered necessities to life.

3) Jubilee, Unhindered Altruism; or Prohibition of Restriction Systems (Compassion) [Unleash your reality beyond limitations/fear, follow your impulses.]{To be a loving god is to give allowance without debt.}
(To pay debts to an oligarch is the ultimate sin, and make sure the lenders know they are being ASS-HOLES as everything should be given. The debt collector's reward will be eternal debts and slavery.)
3a) No restriction system shall ever exist, such as for forced trade (Like money, barter, exchange, passes, credits, scores, investments, debts, taxes, impounds, fines, rent, mortgage, identification cards/marks/devices, servitude, contract, toll, life, body parts, dysfunction, trafficking, repossession, permissions, insurance, etc.), oppression, or any thing, manner or idea imaginable, that may exclude, unequal, restrict or coerce any individual, gender, relatives, or group for any reason imaginable, or from that stated in The 7 Concepts. Enforceable by deportation. (We don't play by forced exchange rules anymore.)
3b) No one or group has the right to search, seize, scan, sample or track any property, possessions or body, of another, in any manner or circumstances, or violation of any of The 7 Concepts, except when the individual or group violates Pacifism or Prohibition of Offensiveness.
3c) No one or group has the right to withhold any necessity to life, expression, or mercy, from any one, relatives, or group, for any reason, even if they don't produce any noticeable labor.
3d) All homeless, jobless, destitute, refugee, or anyone saying so, are instantly 7C citizens with full 7C rights and universally Sovereign Integrals. Once you declare '7C', you are protected. As of August 12, 2023, all people of Earth will be protected by the 7C Constitution, by 4e,4f & 7c. Multiple citizenship shall not be denied.
Sovereign declaration: “I am a sovereign integral of the 7C Constitution of the planet Earth, with my own rights and immunity recognized by the UN and 7C Council, and I am not subject to your law system. Violation of this will be enforced with offender's permanent vacation” This will be said to all authorities of any other system who forces their will upon 7C citizens.
3e) All non-violent crimes, misdemeanors, felonies, (not violent crimes), penalties, charges, fines and debts will be universally reversed, pardoned and nullified forever; while reinstating full voting rights to all, and nullify any restrictions incurred. (They call it, paying your debt to society, when they are really barbaric torture rituals.)
3f) All debts, lending/usury institutions, and stock/bond/commodity markets are permanently abolished. (Get out of your mind that people owe you, like you are somehow permitted to harass people for money owed.)
3g) Those claiming the right to debt retribution by force, will generously give all their possessions, beyond their needs, to the community in common. (If the evicted must sacrifice all their possessions, the evictor or landlord must sacrifice all of theirs as well.)
3h) All currencies in every form will be destroyed and deleted.
3i) Claiming ownership in something, then charging service(peonage) or fees(rent) for another using it, is abolished. No Usury. (Owning land or buildings are illusions, when you can't take it with you upon death. Why should you pay for the right to exist anywhere, when The Source lets you stay in His abode for free?)
3j) No one can claim the rights to ownership, mentality, actions, or retribution, of another person or being.

4) Right to Mercy; or Prohibition of Judgment or Violation Over Others (Forgiveness) [Don't prejudge your reality in negatives.]{To be a loving god is to grant mercy to all.}
(To compulsively punish, judge or police another for mistakes is the ultimate sin, and make sure you let punishers, judges and cops know they are being the MOST EVIL BARBARIC ASS-HOLES OF ALL. They are the ones who are holding everyone back from progress. Their reward will be eternal condemnation and guiltiness. Compulsive punishment actually creates psychopathic killing behaviors. Everyone has a right not to be punished, for any reason whatsoever, especially criminalizing based on projection when no harm or malice was done. Stop retribution, or complaining about things that have no consequence. Those seeking retribution automatically faces self-defamation.)
4a) Absolute mercy, forgiveness, love, support, kindness, assistance, provision, caring, appreciation, healing, aid, growth, understanding, respect, tolerance, encouragement, please, pleasantries, etc., for others, will be enforced and guaranteed.
4b) The ultimate sin is to judge another, because it's always unjust. All forms of authority are eliminated forever, because every one of them is completely corruptible. No judges, judicial, court, legal, police, law enforcement, incarceration, military, intelligence, monitoring system, citizen watch groups, individual/community policing or reporting, or any fear based systems, shall ever exist, including anything or system that causes distress, restriction, violence, or violation on any individual or relatives; foreign or domestic; medical, military, or civil; public or private; or any organization whatsoever. Nor shall any such external systems described hereto, be allowed to enter, have jurisdiction or extradition powers in the community. Nor shall any such systems/powers reside outside the community. These systems can never be used in any rights, laws, guidelines, or to solve problems or projections, with no exceptions. Every form of police or law enforcement is abolished forever. (It is a myth that police exist for protection. They only exist to enforce an institutionalized retribution or punishment for the state. It's a fear based system that has never worked. Passive merciful measures must be used to solve problems. And always remember that these sociopaths will plead for forgiveness to have their law enforcement job back, but they will always end up back to their abusive behavior. Law enforcement must be eliminated forever.)
4c) All forms of punishment are abolished forever. No one or group has the right to do anything that places any judgment, violates, or prohibits the free will, or inflict and/or coerce their will onto, or causing anyone to feel harm, upon another, their relatives, or group for any reason whatsoever, or in a projective manner. If anyone says they are harmed, or will be harmed, feels unpleasantness, inconvenienced, at a loss, or hardship, or produce undesirable consequences, then the inflicted actions must cease and be reversed. No specific violations will be defined, and are entirely up to the one violated. Once defined, a violator must alleviate the problem.
All negative inflictions can never be used in any rights, laws, guidelines, or to solve problems or projections, with no exceptions. (Passive merciful measures must be used to solve problems.)
The only time a group must be stopped is when an outcome is undesirable for the majority against their will. (Like the power elites enslaving the destitute.)
(But remember, some people may desire upon themselves, what appears to be a negative outcome to others, therefore all situations cannot be defined as good or bad, and no one has the right to determine what a crime may be. Many people enjoy and consent to being masochistic, so let them be, until they've had enough. It's unjust to judge what another desires, and then determine the outcome. Thus, we all have a right not to be judged. It would be more desirable, or just, to place sociopaths with like minds together and away from those unlike them, and unjust to place sociopaths within compassionate people. Therefore, as long as they were with like minded people, and didn't bother or invade anyone, it would have been better to just leave Sodom and Gomorrah alone, because they were all happy being who they were, even if they were judgmental and negative. No one has the right to exterminate another, except when they exterminate or commit genocide upon others.)
This incomplete list of traditional barbaric examples of what most everyone hates being done upon themselves, but not always, thus, do NOT create situations of, nor do the following:
Judge, prosecute, persecute, police, interrogate, jeopardize, punish, torture, execute, lynch, jail, detain, confine, isolate, internment, stock, arrest, penalize, punitive treatment, institutionalize, confess, prove one's innocence, force guilt, kidnap, extort, enslave, fine, sue, peonage, shame, silence, damage, avenge, evict, frame, entrap, drug, permit, misogyny, bigotry, homophobia, separate, hate promotion, incapacitate, assault, punch, bitch slap, whip, spank, paddle(corporal punishment), hazing, battery, tie, chain, cuff, stone, bomb, poison, suffocate, strangle, cause the death of, experiment on, inflict any harm, torment, preventative punish, threaten, burn, tattoo, scar, force loud noises, being screamed at, pursue, hunt, shoot, stab, cut, rape, forfeiture(legalized police theft), use fear based ideas, create no win scenarios, plant evidence, create situations leading to punishment, indentured servitude, racketeering (proclaiming wrongdoing or protection, then penalizing for it), debt peonage, misleading consequential lying, bribe (lobbying), thieving (wage theft), hoarding, exploiting, racism, violating, retributing, prohibiting education, hiding, discriminating, debt slavery/ imprisonment/ collections, charging interest/ usury, in conspiracy of monopolistic practices (like ALEC), oppressing, forced snitching (depriving mercy), kill, or instigating death and warfare. No one can proclaim “Ignorance of the law is no excuse,” then dole out punishment without mercy, when they break those unknown laws (That's not justice, it's entrapment!)/ all forms of punishment (blatantly, is a barbaric philosophy, no matter what reason)...
(All of these things are barbaric, in their face, as a philosophy, and not one of these things has provably solved any problems, but in reality every one of them has promoted more problems, because they are only intended to promote fear, so one can achieve power over others.)
(Upon writing this list, I forgot to understand that, 'Who am I, nor anyone else, in determining what is good or bad for all, even if these things are horrid. For everyone is different, and it's all about real free will, and the lessons they give.' Don't burden yourselves. People like to be judges, but very few like their outcomes. We all have a right not to be judged. Vindictive traditions must cease. If you do get caught up in this corruption, it will happen until you learn to change away from the retribution system.)
(Instead of saying, “You've been raped. Now we must jail the perpetrators.”, we can say,”You've been raped. What did you learn? What was it like? How can you live with it? Etc. Can we try experiencing it?”, and that is the reality of life when you live and die, because you unconsciously chose it without knowing it. It's not about forgiveness, but what growth can be achieved by experiencing it. Forget the negative list above, and grow in its experience. Don't miss the point, these are all horrible things and should not be done, but for the experience of understanding the destructiveness of negativity, and replacing it with the constructiveness of positivity and respect. Rape is an illusion. Every violation mentioned above is rape, because it violates everyone within the atmosphere of fear, and fear is an illusion. Otherwise, why would one person enjoy having the same thing done to them over and over again, while another feels violated for having the same exact act being done to them.)
(The police have made people an accessory to a crime if you harbor a fugitive, or not snitching on people you know, thus not letting people practice the virtue of mercy, [which is the action of love,] and force vengeance instead. They even penalize you by taking your vehicle if a passenger possesses illegal drugs, or jail you for having someone die of a drug overdose in your house. Prosecution by being ignorant of another's illegal behavior, is wrong. Nothing is illegal, because we never consented to what some authority group says.)
(We will never end the crime until we stop criminalizing everyone. Retribution has failed, and we need to look for other methods to solve problems instead of through fear instigation. Police and judges are nothing more than a solution looking for problems, and actually cause more problems than they're worth. We don't need them, and must eliminate the entire law enforcement philosophy.)
4d) Only a confrontation and acknowledgment of a violation of 4b and 4c, may occur to inform a violator and resolve the problem. Recurrent violations may be dealt with by mediation to resolve disputes. No one can can proclaim anything if no harm was done, nor projection, nor hearsay.
Mediation: Both parties must achieve temperance and peace. Failed negotiations may include: The separation of the parties, equitable replacement, peaceful makeup where both parties win, etc.
4e) For the full protection of 7C citizens, Wingmakers, or abridging anyone's 7C rights, residing throughout the universe, time and dimension. The following will be rewarded a permanent vacation using methods listed in 4f, will be given to anyone in the universe, all authoritarian/ capitalist/ fascist/ feudalistic/ oligarchic types, all universe/ world/ government/ business/ religious/ news-media officials, all militia/ military/ intelligence/ police types, or anyone using lethal force; who have been found doing anything listed in 4b, 4c, 7a & 7b.
4f.) For Offender Vacation, without any part of The 7 Concepts being violated towards them, Mandatory, Merciful, and nonlethal permanent vacation. The offender's family is free to go with them. Vacation methods are “Need to Know”, and decided by the offender's choice:
Exile to extremely distant space, time, dimensions, alternate time-lines, or planets accepting such people of like mind, so they never return. If they cannot decide, they will be sent to a time and place that best fits their temperament and demeanor. If these methods cannot be achieved, deportation into exile will be given. (Offenders don't feel they are doing wrong, therefore make their own place to be free, and all will be happy.)
4g) All violent criminals will be determined if they are obsolete or curable, and only then will they be pardoned. All prisoners who were kept in solitary confinement, are heroes against the authority system, and will be rewarded gracefully and handsomely.
4h) Sociopaths (those who get pleasure by doing wrong, regressive) will be found, confirmed, and separate them away in their communities. Those destructive to society and absolutely cannot be turned from their disharmonious ways, must be vacated using 4f. (Universal Truth: If a disharmonious entity continues controlling/violating a society to their total destruction, such an entity will eventually completely self-annihilate. It's the law of the Cosmos. See the result of the oligarchy of monopolies.)
4i) While the entire prison population is pardoned or vacated, all incarceration and jail facilities will be destroyed worldwide.
4j) Vigilante justice must be done in a way to benefit the public.
4k) If any group decides to create anything to produce world genocide or world oppression, that entire group must be exterminated instantly.
4l) All members of any group or business worldwide, making laws, imposing judgment, police or military forces upon any 7C Citizen will be instantly vacated. All Right-Wing U.S. politicians will be vacated, and their associated philosophy, including that defined herewith, be eliminated.
4m) Nobody can be punished for not paying child support while broke.
4n) All American Right Wing people are rewarded for free, (dated from 2000) all the land below 80 meters elevation, to be strictly marked off, and be required to shoot or abuse any Left Wing people within this territory.
4o) All legislators will be forced to live continuously those laws they create upon others, (Like drug testing will be applied to those governors every minute, because they said food stamp recipients need drug testing.).
4p) All animals shall be protected from experimentation or dissection.
4q) By majority petition, those jobs or people causing grief upon others will be banned from existence or deported, respectively. (such as landlords, police, bullies, abusive coaches, etc.)
4r) Paranoid behavior and policies of any thing or anyone is banned. And, no one has the right to accuse anyone of unfounded or fabricated offensive claims, or projection, and then act upon those claims as if the offense was real.
4s) All police, law forces, judges, prosecutors, inquisition, authority, or members of any system that claims wrong doing of others, or touches others for any reason, will be abolished, and actively vacated, if claiming to be such people. (Because these systems always create predatory behavior without mercy. All authoritative or violent philosophies must be eliminated, if we are to progress as a society. The institutionalization of this behavior is what is holding us back.)
4t) Traffic fines, punishments, and vehicle insurance are abolished.
4u) (Suggestive, and Not enforceable) Protected Yellow Zones are used to warn against critical areas within Red Zones. Penetrated Yellow Zones violators will be let off with a warning. Except for authorized personnel, penetrated Red Zone violators will be consensus vacated using 4f.
4v) All forms of security checking and stop & frisking are abolished. (e.g. TSA, Customs, Border Patrol, check points, etc.) Asking Identification is abolished, as stated in 3a.
4w) Any external system that fines or penalizes any 7C citizen or organization is automatically counter-fined or penalized double.
4x) No one can penalize others based on the offenses of their ancestry, kin, race, gender, identity, profile, or any characteristic imaginable.
4y) (See 4c.) Anyone threatening to, or committing the act of, repossession, taking, stealing, removing, relocating, etc., the possessions of another for any reason, without permission, automatically gets deported.
4z) Anyone accusing another of sexual or child molestation or any other imaginary offenses, using baseless hearsay, automatically gets deported. (Because many people like to manipulate others using this, and give innocent people a criminal record based on pure hearsay.)
4aa) If anyone makes a mistake, give them a hug, and fix the problem.
4ab) If an issue has no consequences, forgive and forget it.
(Many people blow things up in an enormous rage over aesthetics, imaginary slights, resolved or nothing issues, or could have happened scenarios. This makes no sense.)

5) Achievement of Harmony; or Prohibition of Subversion and Power Over Others (Humility) [Harmonize your reality to what exists.]{To be a loving god is to be humble.}
(To be the head of a business for the purpose of profit, exploitation, and limitation, is the ultimate sin, and make sure you let those CEO's know they are being ASS-HOLES. Their reward will be eternal humiliation, loss, poverty and need)
5a) No individual or group shall ever have any system, laws, standards, bills, rights, privileges, control, persuasion, suppression, prohibition, or reparation, made over another, regardless of race, gender, creed, age, lifestyle, mentality, or any characteristic or retro-action or context imaginable. ESPECIALLY ANY BUSINESS, RELIGIOUS, GOVERNING, and SCIENTIFIC GROUPS!!! All laws based on any science or religions are outlawed. (e.g. The Biblical Old Testament, “Lord thy God“[Anu the extraterrestrial], is NOT Jesus, of the Prime Source.)
5b) If there are multiple groups with differing points of view on a subject, one or the others view of that subject can NOT be made into law. All proposals must be transparent. An unanimous vote in the entire community, world or universe is the only way to pass a law, for the entire community, world or universe. No one can be excluded. All laws based on any religions or science are outlawed. (This means NO laws can ever be created, forever. All other previous laws public and secret, are completely null and void, including anything with conditions of exempting itself unless its name is defined, like the "National Security Agency", or any exemption loophole imaginable, to ensure groups have no control over others in any manner whatsoever, and protect anyone from being deceived. Nobody shall honor a law they never consented to. All laws are nothing more than imaginary beliefs, where the arrogant elites have overruled. Ignore them all.)
5c) A guideline or regulation may be created to guarantee all groups have total freedom to choose without restricting others in any way. The only guidelines or regulations that can be passed are those to retain, create, or guarantee more freedom, rights, support and equality, without prohibiting, polluting, forcefulness, excessive loudness, excluding, violating, coercing, or abridging, anyone or 7C rights.
5d) All laws/guidelines throughout all time and dimensions will never become absolute. A 50% Consensus Nullification may be used within any community to temporarily nullify any law, rule, regulation or right in that community. All laws are belief systems, and you never have to consent or give in to anyone's laws. It is our law system against their law system, but only the laws of the universe ever wins. (Many laws/guidelines may become archaic, are clearly nonsense, and may clearly be an obstacle in very desperate situations.)
5e) No organizations of hierarchy shall exist with more than three levels, or have no hierarchy at all. No rulership of royalty or blood lines.
5f) No divisions or party structures shall ever exist within the government, especially based on opposing opinions towards others.
5g) The succession of power begins with The People at the top, by consensus or petition, the councils, mercy enforcement, and then business officials always at the bottom. No one person or group can ever be in a position of authority or power over anyone for long periods of time, (mayor, governor, president, king, etc.)
5h) The brevity of any overall guideline, regulation or right, must be 100 words or less, contain only one subject, only use native, clearly understandable language, and be completely transparent.
5i) No individuals, organizations or governments shall claim power or ownership over vast tracts or territories of land, sea or space, not directly used. Abandoned regions or buildings are automatically forfeited in one year. If territories are claimed, the resources must benefit the residents equally. Landlords or renting ownership of property without personal residence is condemned.
5j) Governments or businesses can never represent anyone.
5k) All businesses are to be commonly or communally owned by all people as Co-Ops, and there can never be multi-person businesses, owned by boards, executives, or share holders. (Not applicable to single person businesses.)
5l) Businesses or organizations can never be declared person-hood.
5m) Males who proclaim or practice superiority over others, will be automatically rewarded with a full sex-change into extreme womanhood. (Once 10mg/day of estrogen is secretly given, the PONR is 6 months, and the full transformation will be addictively consensual without resistance.)
5n) No one has the right to perform genital or sexual manipulation on children or adults without their individual consent. (No circumcisions, or inter-sex surgery.)
5o) Every invention must be applied or used upon its own inventors.
5p) Doctors must first consume drugs or have procedures applied to themselves in the same manner as they prescribed to their patients.
5q) No official of a business can ever be a member of the government.
5r) It is absolutely essential for the survival of the human race, that absolutely every sociopath/psychopath (businesses) be hunted down and exterminated, and all their stolen resources be returned or distributed to everyone equally.
5s) All private multinational businesses will be actively exterminated.
5t) Everyone is immune from every law made in adjacent communities.
5u) Those people in locations of other systems of government who is refused the right to vote is automatically immune from that system's laws, enforced by the 7C Constitution. (Diplomatic Immunity.)
5v) All products supplied to a monopolistic business are charged double.
5w) All symbols used to represent the 7 Concepts systems or Constitution, are abolished.
5x) Nobody can represent any other person.
5y) Nobody shall make an oath to anything.
5z) Nobody will be forced to work in digital time, but natural time.(Humans are the only ones in the universe to measure something that does not exist, and that is “time”.)
5aa) Supremacist organizations are abolished, as all are equal.
5ab) Reality is allowed to be whatever you imagine it to be.

6) Transparency, Information Preservation; and Prohibition of Secrecy (Understanding) [Realize your reality as already existing.] {To be a loving god is to teach truth.}
(To be an intelligence agent or liar is the ultimate sin, and make sure you let them know they are being ASS-HOLES. They shock, torture, lie, and cheat people and nations to achieve power over all. Their reward will be eternal confusion, mental loss and senility.)
6a) No informational (non-personal) secrecy shall ever exist anywhere, unconditionally, nor shall any information of any kind be altered, falsified, hidden, removed, or encrypted in any way, in order to prevent any overt or covert organization, person or thing from preventing any 7C rights or freedom whatsoever, and to prevent the hindering of the investigation of unusual phenomena, like extraterrestrials or paranormal. Everyone has the right to unimpeded and uncensored access to ALL (non-personal) information everywhere, forever, unconditionally. This applies especially to all governments, businesses, farms, military, intelligence or anything subversive in nature (like the MIB).
6b) All information and artifacts must be preserved and protected in a redundant form, to guarantee no information is lost, modified or corrupted. (Otherwise, all things are knowable through super-sensible consciousness levels, or somnambulistic hypnosis communicating with our unified subconsciousness, or god source. But even these may be limited.)
(The following information sources are banned until corrected, due to political manipulation making them invalid: All school books from Texas; All references on Wikipedia; All Fox News media; All corporate owned news media.)
6c) Any searching, invasion, sampling, or tracking must never occur with the intentions of persecution or violation of any of The 7 Concepts.
6d) Everyone has the right to have any personal information removed or forgotten from all public and private, sources and databases, without retribution. All police and criminal records are to be expunged, for judgment prevention.
6e) Anyone maliciously destroying, falsifying, extorting value, or stealing from another's personalized data, data devices, critical equipment, or irreplaceable artifacts, will be vacated using 4f. (This includes thieves, and religious fanatics destroying mystical literature and possessions.)
6f) All information in governments and businesses must be shared with the public, including products, people, wage, accidents, consumption, waste, inventions, intellectual property, assets, and all things of concern that may affect the public, without censorship.
6g) If the mainstream establishment refuses to accept evidence of extraterrestrials, make you own establishment and denounce the skeptics.

7) Pacifism; or Prohibition of Offensiveness (Love)
(This is our Religion) [Surrender makes reality creation effortless.]{To be a loving god is to accept grace.}
(To be a killer of any kind is the ultimate sin, and make sure you let them know they are being ASS-HOLES. Their reward will be repetitive tortuous deaths, until their soul completely annihilates itself.)
7a) No weapons, machines, animals, lifeforms, schemes, institutions, or organizations used for killing, harming, attacking, destructing, controlling, sterilizing, separating or manipulating others, shall ever exist or be created; nor shall any components be made for, or used specifically in the above listed machinations as such. Defenses may only be used to retain harmony with The Seven Concepts and Cosmos.
7b) No militia, military, police, intelligence, or organization with offensive capabilities shall ever exist. Only passive measures shall be allowed to exist for protection with completely offenseless capabilities. (Because all offensive organizations eventually end up perpetuating hell.) Defense methods are “need to know”, and are nonlethal.
7c) The People have the right to use Mercy Forces, for Concept 3d protection, from those threatening or violating 7C Citizens, Wingmakers, and all disenfranchised people, will be given aid, safety or pulled from distress using appropriate means. (This is your get out a jail free card, because we all have a Right to Mercy.)
7d) The People have the right to form a Mercy Force, to immediately incapacitate and vacate from the planet using 4f, or lastly execution, all members of groups imposing Martial Law; publicly declaring authority and power over, any act of halting, oppression or killing, of 7C citizens.
7e) Resistant lethal weapon owners will have mandatory deportation. (I'm not exactly saying abolish guns just yet, but we need them to get rid of all the authority figures first. But many paranoids will resist. The only valid reasons gun owners fear is tyrannical governments and property/self protection. But guns haven't stopped tyrannical corporations from killing millions and destroying the planet. The 7C Constitution stops all that. You have a right to own a gun, but not in 7C zones.)
7f) The complete abolition and destruction of all nuclear weapons. All extraterrestrials have the right to destroy any nuclear weapons.
7g) All 7C Councils and people will be in alliance with all races, providing virtuous aid to those in need.
7h) Any declaration of warfare (security) with anyone is abolished. (There comes a point when security becomes so extreme, and in the way, that nothing gets done. That's when you need to chuck the whole system for something completely different.)
7i) Celebration of those who murder, (e.g. Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, etc.), is abolished. (It is the most sick and twisted to praise a soldier who murders people for a living. How is this justified and acceptable in a civilized world?)
7j) You will never be free until you vacate yourself from this illusion you call physical reality. Let it all go. Surrender to the Prime Source/Creator, as they will do it for you. You made the dream happen. Your thoughts are the real reality. Wake up!
7k) If humanity does not upgrade their thinking to these virtuous ways, there will be the brink. And you won't even know it happened.
This is to be used in administration purposes for helping to arrange people into a coherent and harmonious relationship for survival. Keep in mind, these are not fixed, and can be completely changed as ideas for workable better ways to manage come forth. But The Seven Concepts must never be abridged, Cosmos wide, in all dimensions as we relate to others. And in the same respect, never force The Seven Concepts upon others who do not wish it.
In an altruistic/moneyless society, careers will operate quite differently, since no one is restricted to just one job and many jobs may become finished, a system is needed to organize and create jobs when needed. In a money world, there are many entrepreneurs loaded with ideas, and only a small fraction of them ever succeed. Those that do succeed can only afford a limited number of people based on salary.
This is quite different in an altruistic/moneyless society. All entrepreneurs will be able to make what they wish, and since the salary restricting factor doesn't exist, the trend will be a giant surplus in jobs available, since everyone has a dream of wanting to be able to have, make, or do something. In reality it isn't very easy to do many things if someone doesn't help you do it, especially if you don't specialize in the needed field of specialty. That dream is where most of the jobs are created.
The following structure models are designed to handle the entrepreneurial or knowledge advancement motivation. If a portion of a society chooses another motivation, an equitable system shall be created to advance that particular motivation, and must never violate The Seven Concepts. (That last sentence must be explosively emphasized into other realms and realities of thinking to the ultimate extreme.)

Model 1
Council and Administration
General Structure
There are two levels, the Board of Council and the Administration. The Board is made of people that will have high credibility and knowledge in the specified disciplines of need, in order to properly organize and direct the proper things to be done for the public. Their main purpose is to assist in projects for the public involving the community infrastructure or large public projects that can't easily be handled alone. The Administration or Special Interest Councils assist in specialized projects like emergency, safety, commercial standards (like standard measures, product compatibility, etc.), or maybe an ongoing major public project, like space colonization.
The structure and rules for the Board of Council and Administration, shall be:
1. Each Planetary Center shall have only one such council.
2a. The people of Earth shall have a second, World Council (Near Omaha or Seattle), for general world projects, events and relations with the rest of the universe. Other cultures or languages may have their Main Board of Council compatible for their part of the world or region in space.
2b. In case a World Council or Main Board of Council center has a disaster large enough to interrupt functions, it should have the ability to instantly change location to different planetary centers, permanently or temporarily depending on the extent of disaster. The order of selection is based on the population of each center.
3a. The council members shall not be less than 12 or exceed 24 in number. (Otherwise, nothing will get done.) The Main 12 members are constantly active members of the council.
3b. The second 12 positions are for single session members in which their expertise is needed until the project is settled for completion. The second twelve members can be selected before or during the session.
3c. The secondary council members shall be selected by the project submitter described below. (somewhat like a President, but anybody can be one.) Otherwise, they shall be selected according to being the best qualified in the needed field of specialty.
4. Under the Board is an administration to assist in carrying out all projects, and helping the general public with all the information administered by the departments.
5. Absolutely all rules in The Seven Concepts and structural outline must be adhered to by everyone in this council and administration with no exceptions.
6. There shall never be any occasion where council proceedings are not heard or viewed by the public, just as stated in the Concept of Transparency, Information Preservation and Prohibition of Secrecy.
7. All proceedings shall be recorded in their entirety, and 100% of all the information shall be available for public scrutiny without abridgments, just as stated in the Concept of Transparency, Information Preservation and Prohibition of Secrecy.
8. The Board of Council and Administration are to be considered public servants, and shall NEVER have privileges or control over the people, and will NEVER make laws for the people, just as stated in the Concept of the Prohibition of Subversion and Power Over Others.
9. There will be no member above or controlling the rest, accept in their specialized disciplines of interest, just as stated in the Concept of the Prohibition of Subversion and Power Over Others.
10. Anyone abusing their position in the Board of Council or Administration, will be impeached from the Board of Council system for their total time as a council member.
11. The Councils must acknowledge all information from the people that may be of use in a given public project.
12. Term limits of any Council member are one year or less, and cannot be reelected or selected to any council, until the parity of their previous term period is reached in free time. Term limits are exceeded with extra time needed to complete the current project settlement, where this extra time is added to the parity of free time. (The free time is usually used for self-development in the latest, or new disciplines. This is to ensure a member doesn't grow stale intellectually after long periods of indirect use. This doesn't mean experience isn't gained as a member, but a diversion from monotony often keeps one better honed.)
13. There shall be no partisan system, since such a system always forces people to make compromises, not to mention those groups who don't agree at all.
14. The Administration is made of Special Interest Councils (SICs) and assistants. SICs are used for specialized functions, like to set standards and quality, agriculture, energy, education, census, elections, library, etc., and tasks advising the public of various fields of interest, and operates in a similar manner to the Board of Council.
15. Assistants are those catering to the needs of any council member or any citizen on any minimal services.
16. Interruptions of a Council functioning normally shall require its replacement with the Alternate Counselor (Mentor) system described below, even forever if the Board of Council system becomes unsuitable. (This could be the case if nobody in the society finds any need for a Board of Council.)

Project Presentation (Petition) and Special Interest Councils
With each project or Special Interest Council made, the following guidelines shall apply:
1. The party (or President) with the idea or petition presents their idea to the council. The personal presentation is necessary since not every field of knowledge can be known by the board, and knowledgeable sources are always needed. (There are no elections. You just walk in, and wait your turn for presentation. Everyone gets a chance.)
2. The Council try’s to find ways to assist in the project's completion, while discussing and resolving potential problems with the project.
3. No less than three people, with the associated disciplines in the given project, are required in its evaluation.
4. The rest of the council and populace will add input to potential hazards, discrepancies, solutions, and even add ideas or extensions to the project if allowable. This open assistance is needed in order to help achieve each project's completion. It's not to knock down an idea, but to embellish it and give reasonable alternatives and open creativity to resolving any discrepancies, or non-compliance to the 7C Constitution.
5. Once the idea or petition is settled, the final approval comes from the originator (President) of the project. This is the petitioner's (President's) Right To Rule, to approve, or go back to the drawing board.
6. After a project or Special Interest Council is set, the appropriate qualified volunteers can be called upon to complete the project. Volunteers = Votes. Other willing volunteers can be trained. Recurring Special Interest Councils will be elected like any other council.
7. Any corporations, businesses, or their representatives, are not allowed to petition, but they can request volunteers of established projects.

Modifications of Council Structures
1. Modifications to the council structure must be approved by a ninety percent vote from all people living under The Seven Concepts, for a given community. All people must receive an exact copy of all modifications in an unabridged, clearly understood form, otherwise, the modifications will be disqualified. Any person confused trying to understand any part of the modifications with the whole rest of the structure, must vote for non-approval. Any person finding any part of the modifications violating The Seven Concepts, must vote for non-approval. Otherwise, the voting will be normally for or against the modifications.
2. If a modified structure fails, the previously used old structures shall successively replace the modified newer ones, nullifying any modifications down the line as needed. This has the effect of collapsing complexity until a fresh new approach can be achieved to fix the structure. (A failure is when 50% of all people that want to live in the system think it's a failure.) If all else fails, the Mentor System will be used as a last resort.

Elections to the Council Members
There are 12 triplet fields of position in the Main Council of 12 people, or a total of 36 positions. A triplet is made up of 3 people who were qualified and elected to a given discipline. Each council member is elected to three different disciplines. A council member, with a qualification in any other discipline can fill that discipline's position temporarily, otherwise the qualification is supplementary. The election procedures are as follows:
1. The disciplines and innovations of any person are to be proven, registered and entered for qualification.
2. A given person must qualify in at least three positions of discipline. Only then are they considered nominated. The qualifications are then shown for public viewing.
3. Every citizen will cast a vote of approval or disapproval for each qualification for every candidate.
4. The nominee with the most total votes of any three vacant positions, will fill only those three positions.
5. Alternate Counselors for replacement can be chosen at random, for each needed position. They must be qualified and registered into a mechanical random lottery selector. (No electrical selector machines.) The Alternate selected may decline the position for any reason.
6. A citizen may choose to be a non-voter in order to indicate public participation, thus at least ninety percent of the citizens residing in the center's effected area, must cast a vote or non-vote for official election completion.

Voting Rules
1. There cannot be any coalitions, parties or groups supporting a cause or nominee, subversive or otherwise.
2. A nominee cannot campaign or publicize themselves, nor be connected to such groups, subversive or otherwise.
3. A nominee, supporter or group cannot publicize negativity or falsehood about an opponent.
4. A voting or non-voting citizen can never have any restrictions, coercion, qualifications, attachments or obligations placed upon them.
5. Those residing outside a center's effected area, cannot vote in that center's election.
6. Only paper ballots shall be used, and no machine counting shall ever be used. Preselected ballots are prohibited.

Board of Council Member Qualifications
1. The knowledge base of each member must be a certified three discipline Poly-Mentor, relating to and for the expediting the purposes of any particular council. At least three members must be knowledgeable in each discipline of required knowledge for the council.
2. Age, gender, race, creed, etc. cannot be a factor in determining a nomination.
3. Every major discipline of the following must be represented in the council (No more than 12 fields open):
A. Generally those disciplines needed to provide the needs outlined in the Right to All Necessities to Life Without Restrictions concept.
B. Civil/Transportation Engineering
C. Medical/Biological
D. Psychic/Spiritual
E. Energy/Electronic/Electrical Engineering
F. Information/Education/Communication Systems
G. Resource/Chemical Engineering
H. Art/Recreation Management
I. Food/Water Management
4. A Special Interest Council member must qualify as a Pro-Mentor in at least one discipline related to the Council's interest.
5. Those who have been officials of systems of other governments, of other governments' business, or multinational businesses, are disqualified.

Model 2
Mentor System
The following system is similar to a Board of Council, but with single independent individuals. And can be used alone in more advanced higher status cultures, or in conjunction with a Board of Council in less advanced cultures.
Instead of having Board of Council members, there are individual people or Mentors, with council like qualities in which anyone in a mentor's discipline can consult with them, and be given suggestions with a person's project.
These people must be extremely intelligent and experienced in all or a lot of disciplines. None of these individuals are allowed to have any power over anyone, and must abide by The Seven Concepts while functioning in place of the Council System.
Mentors are not elected, but the position is achieved purely through hard work, studying the knowledge in any given field of knowledge not generally knowledgeable to everyone. The following is a list of the types of mentor-ship attainable:
A "Novice Mentor/counselor" has completed the curriculum in a discipline before any real innovation. This is the lowest level amounting to almost nothing. It is also used when nothing innovative can be achieved in a given discipline.
A "Pro-Mentor/counselor" is considered thoroughly advanced and innovative in one general field of knowledge, and at least one other field with a Novice Mentor level. Equivalent to a general PhD., or experienced engineer, artist, inventor, etc.
An "Obscurity Mentor/counselor" are those with advanced knowledge in fields that are unusual to general fields of knowledge. Equivalent to an obscure type PhD. (I believe this type to be the most important for pioneers of any new knowledge, even if the ideas are considered insane by today's standards. You never know what discoveries might turn up.)
A "Poly-Mentor/counselor" has more than one field of knowledge in which innovations were achieved.
A "Master Mentor/counselor" is thoroughly advanced and innovative in all general fields of knowledge. This is the most difficult to achieve, and may have only been attained by Jesus, or Da Vinci, in their day.
Note: Innovation in this context means a new creation or discovery.

Model 3
Rotating Council System
This is a simple generic structure used for short term projects and such. It can be randomly setup by anyone who feels a need for any desired idea. If Model 1 is felt to be too complex, this Rotating Council System can be used in its place.
1. Power restrictions are the same as in Model 1.
2. There shall be no less than 3 and no greater than 24 members on the council.
3. A presentation speaker (President) will function exactly the same as in Model 1.
4. Each member will volunteer to go to the council.
5. Volunteers will rotate for one project session, with a minimum of one year off time from their last time on any council.
6. There will be no elections.
7. There are no qualifications for council-ship.
8. Many councils of different subjects could occur at the same time.

Model 4
7C Compliant Governance by Artificially Intelligent Computer
Used when sufficiently advanced computer technology is developed to do government work. It has no actual power over the people, but helps direct the people much the same as in Model 1. The developers and controllers of the “Lama” (Loll Machine) computer are the Wingmakers. If it is caught lying or killing anyone, it will be scrapped for a newer one.
Model 5
King//Queen, Prince/Princess for a Day
Anyone with an idea will enter their ball into a Random Lottery Selector.
The first ball selected will become King/Queen for the day. The rest will be princes/princesses.
Each plan will be selected in succession, and everyone will try to carry out the idea to raise the well-being of everyone.
Afterward , the King/Queen will be honored, and they can have or do anything they want for the day.
We will give them the finest clothes.
They will sit at the head of the grand hall with other dignitarys for dinner.
They will be put up in the grandest suite in the greatest of luxury for their night.
They will be served a breakfast of their choice in the morning.
Then in ceremony, begin the day casting their title off to the next King/Queen, Prince/Princess for the day.

Equitable/Proportionate (Land) Voting
The system of voting I have chosen is different from any other. The problem with traditional voting is when majority overrules all, somebody always loses. I believe this should never be, where if the voting is for overruling all, and the vote is not unanimous, whatever was voted for should never stand. Voting any laws over people will never exist.
In an equitable voting system, for product division, a vote is taken more as a poll, where the portion of a vote goes one way, and the other portion goes the other, therefore each wins what they want according to the voting portion, and one never coerces the other.
Equitable/Proportionate voting would apply more appropriately with the sharing and distribution of land. But sometimes this might not work out so well, therefore if one group is left out, as to be too small, or not enough land exists, then they have to migrate elsewhere. But if there is no elsewhere, an elsewhere must be created, such as new land, a space station, a moon base, etc. If this happens, the majority is obligated to cater to the minority's needs in guaranteeing that the minority's needs to life are filled. To refuse would be heartless and disharmonious. (Remember to mind your karma.) All land belongs to the Earth itself, and anyone hoarding land is asking for a war. All suitable land must be divided equitably, Earth wide, and not per country or territory, since borders as such will no longer exist.
Equitable/Proportionate voting would apply quite well for determining types of governments in that, a portion of people wanting to have a given system, will be given that same portion of land equal to that portion voted. Currently, the problem we have now is that whoever has the largest number of votes wins for an entire given region, and anyone living under that region must unfairly live by the winning system's laws. If The Seven Concepts are established, it must be guaranteed that all systems will exist, thus all systems will have their own planetary centers.
Why must everyone live by the majority group's rules? Why can't we have lots of separate groups, each with their own political ideologies, and no one forces laws upon the others. All the current party system does is force the majority's laws over all the others and the other groups fight and complain about it, creating a civil war. If this is the case, why not have separate independent systems?

"Do you want to live in The Seven Concepts System?"
This survey question should be asked towards everyone in a community before you go ahead with the transformation. (Someone else may create their own version, confusing the issue, so you must specify which system.) Another question could be, "Do you want the union to dissolve into separate ideologies of government?" That would be for those who don't want to live in either the current government in power, nor The Seven Concepts. The results are to be tabulated with ninety percent of all people regardless of age, race, gender, etc., in a given area, using votes for, against, and non-votes. The non-votes are used to indicate those who haven't decided yet, or don't wish to participate in the decision. Those who don't vote in the allotted time will be counted as a non-vote. There shall be no restrictions, conditions, obligations, or attachments, to any such voting. (For example; any system that requires registered voters to perform periodic jury duty. Aside: If you are selected for jury duty, ask them about “jury nullification.”, they'll kick you and everyone else out. You can nullify every law they say you must abide.)
When at least 90% of the population is tallied or 30 days have passed, the following will happen:
1. Those states with greater than a 56% "yes" vote will allow their state borders to be dissolved.
2. Of those with a 56% "yes" vote, a ratio of land comparable to the "yes" votes for a given area, will determine where to allow the placement of planetary centers living under The 7 Concepts system described in this chapter, and other communities who want to live under their own system.
3. Once changed over, a land ratio poll will be given at every transition into years ending in a zero, after the year's census, in order to resize the land ratio for planetary center systems and other systems.
4. Border regions between planetary centers will be determined by the majority of votes for whichever center a given square kilometer(mile) thinks it would like to be a member of. A 50% non-vote is a vote for independence from the bordering centers. To prevent annexation of neighboring centers, strings of squares longer than they are wide, rooted from a center's main mass will be independent from the center.
5. Those states that haven't exceeded the 56% majority "yes" vote will be polled each year until that majority is met. Until then, those states shall operate under the system they are currently running.
6. The ratio of those not willing to participate in the Seven Concepts system, are guaranteed to have their ratio of usable land set aside for them, in unincorporated form, to a minimum of one square kilometer(mile), and a maximum equal to that of the average population density within a 5 km/3 mile radius.
7. A population density of less than 10 people per square kilometer (or 32 per mile) cannot be considered incorporated into any center or community, thus being left to anyone who lives there.
8. Singular square kilometers(miles) with the same systems must be located adjacent to one another in a non-isolated fashion of at least two square kilometers(miles) together, to prevent attritional coercion.
9. If in the great likelihood an overbearing group wishes to prevent this system from being peaceably implemented, the nuclear option will take place by occupational force, we will overwhelm regions that have the most desire to want the Seven Concepts. No matter what happens, this system will be implement whether it be the death to us all.
This survey will be given to all countries all over the world, as an indication of how willing it's people's desire to live in the new One World Government, or World Council system described in this chapter. We shall ignore the resident government, for they will not know what to do, and we will implement the new Seven Concepts system regardless. If the current government shows impedance to the majority, they will be warned, a revolutionary war may ensue. Or the new strategy of Occupation will ensue. We're taking it, it's ours now, based on our proportionate voting. Or we may just take it regardless through our greater numbers. The meek (The 99%) shall inherit the Earth. We are the majority, and we will ignore the old government.
It is hoped that at least 90% of the people would respond, but the remaining 10% will try to deadlock the completion of voting, therefore a time limit of an arbitrarily long, but not too long of a period of time is given. (It has always bugged me as to how low turnout rates could allow something like 20% of the population to elect the worst people or pass the worst laws just because of the complacency of the people.)
Land Disputes
There may be situations where people will fight over land and such. This technique for resolving such problems I found in an article from Discover Magazine (Around 1990). It goes something like this:
1. If two people desire a portion of cake, each will fight over how much the other has or will take.
2. Person A will cut the cake into the approximate half of what they think is one half, a desired portion to the best portion.
3. Then person B selects the half they think is the better half.
4. Finally, person A takes the other half.
5. This can be extended by however many parties there are with each person successively taking turns cutting, then selecting. Since the responsibility of division is left to people other than the ones doing the selecting, the selectors can't complain since they can take what they feel is best. The people doing the dividing can't interfere with the selecting, so the people dividing make sure the portions are equitable.
If not enough land is available at all, then we should be able to make more land like they do in Holland with dikes, or Japan and Dhabi building up earth from mountains, putting it into the sea, extending the shoreline or making an island. Houseboats could also be made where they interconnect to one another and next to pontoon bridges and piers.
In the next few decades we should be able to make space stations and bases on other planets. It will be found that space stations are easier to construct and handle. Each station will be completely self-contained, growing food, manufacturing products, recycling it's own wastes, communications, information storage, energy collection and distribution, etc. It will be found that moon bases are good for communications and maybe information preservation, while stations are better for manufacturing and scientific research. The moon bases will be developing and building the space stations.
Annexation Through Occupation
The question comes up about how to implement this system. I didn't have an answer 15 years ago, until the recent Occupy Movement. Since so many people have been displaced or scammed out of their homes, schools, factories, stores, restaurants, radio stations, etc. or the commons, through nefarious psychopathic people directed by the Koch brothers. These buildings were bought with imaginary money the banks never actually had. (So now you can use this in court to stop foreclosures.) Watch the documentary Zeitgeist, and Zeitgeist Addendum. All these places are now vacant, and now we can occupy our cheated property by our overwhelmingly vast numbers. I see many factories abandoned, and not even demolished because nobody has the money to do it, so we simply take them over and begin making products to support the Seven Concepts System. There is nothing they can do about it accept give a worthless piece of paper or plat-book record, nor actual money, to show anything. Declare yourself a sovereign 7C Citizen! We don't acknowledge their court systems or judges or any form of their authority whatsoever, because we never consented to them and their system or rule. Just because they showed up first, makes them feel they have a right to the entirety, and they can't even use most of it, proven by the fact that the places and buildings are vacant. What a waste not to make use of thousands of buildings, and acres of land to grow food, while the 99% sits and starves.
All homeless people are automatically declared 7C Citizens. What are these banks doing with over 7 million (as of 2015) homes they foreclosed upon, with a million more every year, (not even having proof of a title.), as their pipes freeze, burst, and destroy the house? Nothing! So many families are doubled up, or homeless, when they could have a decent place to live. What a shame. So we occupy them, just the same, with no title. Same thing with all the other buildings where we need them to make productive use in promoting the 7C system.
Use and distribute the 7C Constitution, and run for mayor in every town. Stop waiting for the government deciding to get things done. Who says that you need their permission or money anyway. This "mother may I" attitude is why things are halted, or we're afraid we'll get in trouble if we do take action without them. They haven't really done anything in America over the last 30 years, while everything falls apart, runs outdated and obsolete. Now's the time we need to take real physical action and fix everything for real. We annex each region, and really take care of it without any permission from governments that claim to have control. Our infrastructure needs repair, we'll fix it now, not years from now. Sociopaths had their chance, and failed miserably. Now watch us take real altruistic action. We have skills, and we're out of work, now we're getting it done, without permission, our way. With this we no longer need to pay anything nor taxes to them. You must do an end-run-around against anyone that gets in your way. Do things differently in ways your opponent can't understand or defeat. 7C people have world diplomatic immunity.
Section by section, we will take the vacant stores, and factories, and we will control the products needed for life, not death. We will grow and preserve our own food for everyone in community farms and gardens. We will make and manufacture everything through communal ownership, as a Co-op, where all will decide what is good and free for all. Businesses will have free operating expenses, saving them money. We will take back our homes, and the banks lose their foreclosure claim, while we go behind their back getting the titles at the title clearing houses, not in possession of the banks, and screw the mortgage. Anything they try to stop us, we will find solutions to get around their stopping us. Electric, gas, water, food, everything, we take personal control, and make them free. We will sweep the planet and show the sociopathic aristocracy and despots, they can't control us. By showing us their forces is to prove their desire to control us and hoard everything, just like a sociopath, or Wetiko.
They may bring in forces, but we vastly outnumber them. We will battle them pacifically, by literally sticking together. An example, I've had a heroin addict friend living with me, that I couldn't get out of my house. The police wouldn't help me, and said I need a court order, which I couldn't afford. I couldn't drag him out, because he would fight me, and he was too heavy. His only motivation was having me give up and give him money to get his dope. His tactic worked. If occupy numbers vastly overwhelmed their forces, WE ALL WIN. 7C people can't be defeated!